
Showing 9 Posts in “roofs and roofing.”

Check Out Our Newest Offering – BP Signature Shingles | 2 mins

Learn about our newest product offering, The Signature Line from BP Shingles. […]

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Attic Rain Explained: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions | 5 mins

Guns N Hoses repairs all kinds of roofing problems in Calgary, including attic rain. Here’s our in-depth guide on what this problem is, what causes it, how to recognize the symptoms—and the best way to stop it from happening. […]

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Working Safely on Your Roof: Tips for DIY Homeowners | 5 mins

How can you access your roof with a ladder, and what safety gear should you use when working on it? Learn how to enjoy working safely on your roof with this list of tips from the experts at Guns N Hoses. […]

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7 Maintenance & Care Tips to Have a Longer-Lasting Roof | 5 mins

Your home is one of the most significant investments you’ll ever make, so protecting it is important. That’s typically your roof’s job—but roofs require regular maintenance if you want them to last as long as possible. Here at Guns N Hoses, we’ve performed high-quality roof repairs and replacements for years, […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Roof’s Ventilation | 4 mins

Ventilation might not be the part of your roof you think most about, but it’s surprisingly important. If you’re striving for a roof that can offer you years of reliable protection and save you money in the long run, understanding why roof vents matter and what different kinds exist is […]

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How to Discover Roof Leaks (& What to Do If You Find Them) | 4 mins

The Guns N Hoses team has fixed leaky roofs throughout the Calgary area, so we know all about how to recognize leaks and take effective steps to address them. Learn what you can do by yourself here, and what parts of the job require experienced professional help. […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Sun Tunnels (Calgary Edition) | 5 mins

The expert professional roofers at Guns N Hoses have installed sun tunnels in homes throughout Calgary—let us tell you everything you need to know when considering one of these convenient natural light sources for a space in your home! […]

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Do Calgary Homes Benefit from Impact-Resistant Shingles? | 3 mins

Your roof keeps out the rain, helps ensure your home’s structural integrity, and is a vital part of your property’s curb appeal—so protecting it from debris and inclement weather is essential for maintaining your investment. Impact-resistant shingles offer more durability than standard varieties—but is Calgary’s weather rough enough that you […]

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Skylight Mythbusters: 10 Myths Calgarians Should Stop Believing | 5 mins

Skylights are beautiful, but some Calgarians have concerns about having them installed. That’s because there are plenty of myths circulating about skylights—for example, that they’re expensive, difficult to maintain, or that they leak. Fortunately, none of those things are true if you have your skylight installed properly by qualified professionals. […]

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