Does Your Roof Look Like This? – The Benefits Of Wood Shake Replacement

Does Your Roof Look Like This? – The Benefits Of Wood Shake Replacement

Roofs and roofing

Are you still holding on to your wood shake roof? It might be time to replace it. In this blog, our roofing experts will go over what you should look for when considering upgrading, as well as the materials and financing options available to you. Read on!


Posted by Tricia | August 16, 2024

Are you holding onto your outdated wood shake roof? While it’s charming and rustic appeal is undeniable, it might be time to consider an upgrade.

Upgrading your roof with modern materials offers numerous benefits that extend far beyond just their good looks. In today’s blog we’ll explore why it’s worth making the switch, and explore the many benefits that a new roof can bring to your home.

Guns N Hoses has been Calgary and Area’s #1 choice for wood shake roof replacements for over a decade. Get ready to transform your home from classic beauty to a powerhouse of modern efficiency, durability and style!

An image of an outdated wood shake roof, featuring rustic and traditional wooden roof tiles of an old house. The image is stretched and cropped across the banner.

What Is A Shake Roof?

A wood shake roof is a type of roofing material that was popular in the early to mid 20th century. Shakes were usually made from hand-cut cedar or redwood, and unlike wood shingles that were also popular at the time, shakes were thicker, making them a more durable choice for the time period.

Some key characteristics of wood shakes include:

  • Natural aesthetic that blends seamlessly with the warmer colour palette of siding popular at the time.
  • Varied texture
  • Natural insulation
  • Eco-friendly

While wood shakes were considered cutting-edge, over the years certain drawbacks including higher maintenance requirements became apparent. Let’s explore more below.

Why Should You Replace Your Wood Shake Roof?

Age & Wear

Over time, wood shakes and shingles can degrade due to exposure to weather elements like sun, rain, snow, and wind. If your roof is showing signs of significant wear or is nearing the end of its expected lifespan, replacing it can prevent leaks and structural damage.


Wood shingles require a lot of maintenance to prevent issues like moss growth, rot, and warping. If you’re finding you’re scheduling multiple repair calls, you might consider replacing the roof with materials that are easier and cheaper to maintain.

Improving Home Efficiency

Shake roofs don’t offer the same level of insulation and energy efficiency as modern roofing materials. Replacing your roof is an opportunity to upgrade to materials that improve your home’s efficiency, potentially reducing heating and cooling costs.

Safety and Insurance

In areas prone to wildfires, like here in Alberta, wood shingles pose an increased fire risk. Replacing a shake roof with fire-resistant materials could improve your home’s safety and may also lower insurance premiums.

1. An image of a close-up cedar shake roof with lichen growth.

2. An image of a Guns and Hoses roofer expert working on a roof.

3. An image of a wildfire on a mountain slope at sunset with a dramatic red sky, heavy smoke, and the silhouette of a helicopter with a water bucket. In wildfire-prone areas like Alberta, wood shingles increase the risk of fire. Replacing a shake roof with fire-resistant materials can enhance your home's safety and potentially lower insurance premiums.

Replace Your Shakes With Guns N Hoses

When it’s time to replace your old shake roof, you can trust the team at Guns N Hoses. We take pride in high quality work you can rely on!

We offer a comprehensive 15 year workmanship warranty, so you’ll have the peace of mind knowing we’ll fix any issues with your roof within 15 years of installation completely free of charge. And all of our new roofs are leak free, guaranteed!

Our Materials

Asphalt Shingles – Asphalt shingles are the most popular choice here in Calgary and the surrounding areas due to their affordability, durability and wide array of styles and colours. Asphalt shingles can also last significantly longer (20-30 years!) than other wood shakes, with proper maintenance. More on that later.

Metal Roofing – While a more unique choice for residential homes, metal roofing is quickly becoming a sought after solution to wood shakes due to its longevity, energy efficiency and modern appearance. Metal roofs can also handle extreme weather conditions and temperature shifts, which is fantastic for our chinook riddled homes.

Rubber Roofing – Rubber emerged as the go-to material choice for commercial flat roofs in the 1960’s, but material advancements have now made it an attractive choice for residential sloped roofs as well. It’s a sustainable and versatile option that can be installed on any home, in any climate.

Composite Shingles – This material option mimics the appearance of natural materials, like wood shakes, but without the drawbacks. They’re resistant to hail, rot and insects and often come with extended warranties.

Four photographs showcasing the affordable, durable, and modern materials at Guns and Hoses.

1. An aerial view of asphalt shingles.

2. An image of metal roof tiles, highlighting modern coatings for house roofs.

3. An image of a roofer using a heater device to apply rubber roof covering.

4. An image of grey and black roof shingles, showing their texture and pattern.

Flexible Financing Options

Your home is your biggest investment, and at Guns N Hoses Roofing we don’t take that for granted. That’s why we’re proud to offer affordable and flexible financing options to help keep your home and your family comfortable and safe.

We’ve partnered with FinanceIt so you can finance your roof replacement for as low as $25/month.

And for a limited time, take advantage of no payments and no interest on a new roof until 2025! We believe in standing by our community through it all, and this is our way of ensuring you get the new roof you need, without adding to your financial stress. Learn more here.

The Importance Of Ongoing Maintenance

Regular maintenance from our team of roofing experts extends the life of your roof and catches small issues before they turn into big problems. Keeping your roof well maintained can also keep your roof under warranty. Many roofing warranties require professional work to remain valid, protecting you from unexpected costs.

If regular maintenance uncovers repair issues, you can trust that our roofers are dedicated to providing reliable workmanship. Our work is backed by the best warranties in the business, and our Leave No Trace Guarantee. The only proof that we were there is the incredible roof we leave behind!

Upgrading your wood shakes can transform your roof’s appearance, enhance its durability and save you money on long-term maintenance costs. Whether you choose the affordability of asphalt shingles or the durability of metal or composite materials you’re making a smart choice for your home’s future.

Don’t wait for the next hail storm or snow fall to make a change, call the friendly team at Guns N Hoses and start enjoying your new roof and peace of mind today!

An image of a Guns N Hoses roofing work truck with the company logo and a ladder on top. The background is grey with a gravel texture, featuring a headline in black text that reads "WE WORK ALL YEAR ROUND" and a red CTA button that reads "CALL NOW".

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should I Replace My Roof?

If you notice your shake roof doesn’t look right, or the shakes have become damaged, or are missing altogether, it’s time for a replacement.

How Long Will My Roof Replacement Take?

The time it takes to install your new roof depends on a variety of factors including the size and condition. But when you call Guns N Hoses we will come out and perform an initial inspection, complete with an estimated scope of work. We’re also proud to offer free video estimates so you can more easily work around your renovations.

How Do I Know I Need A Replacement Or A Repair?

Significance of damage and the age of your current roof are important factors when deciding whether to repair or replace your roof. Give us a call, we’re happy to give you an expert opinion that takes your budget into account.

Can I Get My Roof Replaced In The Winter?

Yes! We work all year round, and provide the same warranties no matter when your roof is replaced.

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Written by Tricia Arsenault

Tricia’s first experience roofing was when she was a teenager, roofing with her dad in small-town Manitoba. Her dad was a farmer but they did construction in their spare time, and she was his right-hand woman. After highschool, Tricia graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, majoring in Marketing and International business. She has worked in the travel and finance industry and then returned full circle to the construction industry when she started Guns N Hoses with Keith over 14 years ago. Fun fact: Tricia has traveled all over the world, lived in three different continents and traveled to fifteen different countries.

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