The Ultimate Guide To Roof Maintenance For Homeowners

The Ultimate Guide To Roof Maintenance For Homeowners

Roof Maintenance

Have you thought about roof maintenance as part of your annual home action plan? If not, the team at Guns N Hoses Roofing has put together your ultimate guide to roof maintenance, designed to empower Alberta homeowners with the tips and tricks necessary to keep your roof in pristine condition not just this season, but all year long. From cleaning and insulation to repairs, our roofers have got you covered.


Posted by Tricia | June 26, 2024

As we transition into the first few weeks of summer, trees and grass are getting greener, air is getting warmer, and we’re getting the itch to accomplish some new goals and tasks around the house. But one thing you may not have thought about while making your To-Do List is checking in on your roof.

So the team at Guns N Hoses Roofing has put together your ultimate guide to roof maintenance, designed to empower Alberta homeowners with the tips and tricks necessary to keep your roof in pristine condition not just this season, but all year long.

Whether you’re navigating water damage, or simply trying to extend the lifespan of your roof, our team of experienced roofers is here with the right tools and equipment necessary to get the job done safely and efficiently. Let’s get started!

The First Line of Defense – Inspections

Regular roof inspections are crucial to maintaining the integrity and longevity of your roof. Typically done twice a year, roof inspections are the first line of defense against damage and costly repairs or replacements.

DIY Inspections

Your first step should be to check for signs of water damage or a leaky roof. Keep an eye out for water stains on walls, pooling or standing water on the floor, or musty odors.

Next check your roof flashing for signs of warping, cracking or rust. Damaged flashing is a prime entry point for water, debris and even mischievous critters.

Finally check for loose or missing shingles caused by winds and heavy rain. If you come across any, make sure to have them repaired right away to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Spring Cleaning – Anytime!

A clean roof and gutters aren’t only nice to look at, but they prevent the buildup of damaging debris.Moss and leaves contain moisture that can cause rot and deterioration, while the presence of these items in your gutters can attract rodents, birds and even bugs.

Gently remove any debris using a roof rake or a soft brush, and consider installing gutter leaf guards to prevent clogging, ensuring proper drainage during rainstorms.

Ensure Efficiency – Ventilation & Insulation

Proper ventilation and insulation is critical to reducing heat build-up as we work our way through the summer months.

Insulation helps maintain an even temperature on your roof, preventing the shingles from prematurely aging due to extreme temperature shifts. Check your attic periodically to ensure that insulation is dry and adequately placed, and that vents are not obstructed.

At Guns N Hoses we want to make sure your insulation is creating a comfortable living environment for you and your family. We offer insulation removal, air sealing, garage insulation, and infrared scans to keep your energy costs low, and your roof in good shape.

Don’t Wait – The Importance of Immediate Repairs

If your DIY roofing inspection uncovers damage it’s important to address it right away to avoid more extensive, and costly, repairs down the line.

That’s why you can trust the team at Guns N Hoses for your roofing repairs. Our roofers are dedicated to providing reliable workmanship that you can trust, and are backed by 10 year transferable warranty and our Leave No Trace Guarantee – we never leave a mess, the only reason you’ll know we’re there is the high-quality repair you hired us to do!

Contact us today to schedule your roofing repairs, any time of year!

Check Roof Maintenance Off Your List

At Guns N Hoses we believe that the better care you take of your roof, the longer it will last. And our goal is to keep your roof performing at its best for as long as possible.If you have any questions about replacement or repairs, please contact us today!

By following this ultimate guide to roof maintenance, you’ll ensure your roof maintains its integrity and functionality throughout the seasons!

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Written by Tricia Arsenault

Tricia’s first experience roofing was when she was a teenager, roofing with her dad in small-town Manitoba. Her dad was a farmer but they did construction in their spare time, and she was his right-hand woman. After highschool, Tricia graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, majoring in Marketing and International business. She has worked in the travel and finance industry and then returned full circle to the construction industry when she started Guns N Hoses with Keith over 14 years ago. Fun fact: Tricia has traveled all over the world, lived in three different continents and traveled to fifteen different countries.

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